Jan 26, 2010

Tripid to Monfort Bat Cave Samal Island

 Monfort Bat Conservation

I was researching about conservation on the internet and bumped to an article about Worlds Largest Colony of Fruit Bats (Rousetteus amplexicaudatus), the Monfort Bat Conservation Park  is found in Babak Barangay Tambo Island Garden City of Samal. Interesting right? I Google it and found the exact location of the said Park. After an hour I'm ready to go with my partner in crime.. my husband. We took a bus to IGACOS (Island Garden City of Samal) and arrived at Babak, 30 minutes later. Locals were very friendly and guided us where to get a good habal-habal driver to the Park, since that's the only mode of transportation to get there aside from a private cars. Eureka! we found our driver and negotiated our back and fort fare for only P130.00.


    Cheap Entrance fee for only P20 per person.

The Exhibit area showcasing all about (Rousetteus amplexicaudatus) fruit bats.

As you reached the exhibit area, you will then smell something off, it's the guano --- an excrement of bats from the cave. It's getting thicker and thicker since the owner stopped the guano mining 2005 as it threatens the bats to look for alternative home away from human disturbance. 

Guano manure as Wikipedia explains is an effective fertilizer and gunpowder ingredient due to its high level of phosphorous and nitrogen. It consists of ammonia, along with uric, phosphoric and oxalic. Phosphorous are needed to produce fertilizer as it is an essential plant macronutrient. Guano is rich in phosphorous and is an intensely effective phosphorous fertilizer.

She said the guano deposits at their cave is so thick “but our crusade is more than the guano mining as they look at the importance of protecting these mammals who are responsible of pollinating the vast resources of the forests and fruit tree farms.”

Philippine fruit bats that roost on Samal Island were officially accorded the Guinness World Record of largest colony of any fruit bat species, last January 13, 2010.

This is the first out of five openings of the 300 meter long cave

Green vegetation and coconut trees envelope this 24 hectare land. According to Texas-based Bat Conservation International the sanctuary has a total of 1.8 million bats. 

After an hour we went back home and I'm glad that we were able to visit this sanctuary and a budget wise trip that has a World Guinness Recognition, something to be proud of. =)

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1 comment:

  1. very interesting, and something to be proud of really.


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